Qualcomm has officially announced the Snapdragon 480 5G, the company’s latest 5G-capable processor and the first in its Snapdragon 4-series of chips which power budget Android devices that tend to be far cheaper than most of Qualcomm’s 5G efforts to date.
The news of a 4-series chip with 5G was originally teased at IFA 2020, but today’s announcement marks the first real details for the new processor. The Snapdragon 480 features an integrated Snapdragon X51 modem with support for both mmWave and sub-6GHz networks.
The addition of 5G to the 4-series could be one of the biggest factors yet in making the next-generation networking standard more accessible to users around the world. Right now, most 5G phones tend to cost upward of $500 —...
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Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 480 heralds a new wave of budget 5G phones
Reviewed by Benny
January 04, 2021
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