Qualcomm has announced its latest 7-series Snapdragon processor, the Snapdragon 750G, which features an integrated X52 5G modem with support for both mmWave and sub-6GHz 5G and improved CPU and graphics performance compared to the Snapdragon 730G.
The new chip is effectively a modernized version of the 730G, offering a new Adreno 619 GPU that Qualcomm says offers up to 10 percent better graphics rendering performance (compared to the 730G’s Adreno 618 GPU), and an updated Kryo 570 CPU, with a 20 percent performance improvement over the 730G’s Kryo 470.
The 750G also features other improvements that have trickled down from Qualcomm’s higher-performance and newer chips, like the company’s fifth-generation AI engine, which Qualcomm says...
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Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 750G has 5G, faster speeds, and improved AI performance
Reviewed by Benny
September 22, 2020
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