Disney has announced a new publishing initiative for its Star Wars expanded universe, titled Star Wars: The High Republic. Designed as an interconnected series of books, novels, and comics, the series will be set about 200 years before Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in a “golden age for the Jedi.”
As the company’s press release notes, “This period on the Star Wars timeline will not overlap any of the filmed features or series currently planned for production” — meaning that The High Republic will be limited largely to print stories for now, not the next big-budget Star Wars movie or Disney Plus show. Still, if the stories do well and resonate with fans, there’s no reason to assume that The High Republic era won’t make the jump to film at...
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Star Wars: The High Republic is a new series of books and comics about the golden age of the Jedi
Reviewed by Benny
February 25, 2020
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