Mozilla has defeated Microsoft’s default browser protections in Windows

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

Mozilla has quietly made it easier to switch to Firefox on Windows recently. While Microsoft offers a method to switch default browsers on Windows 10, it’s more cumbersome than the simple one-click process to switch to Edge. This one-click process isn’t officially available for anyone other than Microsoft, and Mozilla appears to have grown tired of the situation.

In version 91 of Firefox, released on August 10th, Mozilla has reverse engineered the way Microsoft sets Edge as default in Windows 10, and enabled Firefox to quickly make itself the default. Before this change, Firefox users would be sent to the Settings part of Windows 10 to then have to select Firefox as a default browser and ignore Microsoft’s plea to keep Edge.


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Mozilla has defeated Microsoft’s default browser protections in Windows Mozilla has defeated Microsoft’s default browser protections in Windows Reviewed by Benny on September 13, 2021 Rating: 5
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