OnePlus today announced its third set of true wireless earbuds, the OnePlus Buds Pro. Dubbed as the company’s “most advanced listening device” yet, the new earbuds are debuting alongside the Nord 2 smartphone. They go on sale in the US and Canada on September 1st for $149.99 and come in either white or matte black.
The shape of the earbuds is rather AirPods Pro-esque, though OnePlus has gone with a shiny chrome stem that looks quite eye-catching. After last year’s awkward situation at the US border, the company has good reason to go for a more visually distinct design.
The OnePlus Buds Pro feature what the company describes as “smart adaptive noise cancellation,” which means they’ll automatically...
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OnePlus Buds Pro announced, coming September 1st for $150
Reviewed by Benny
July 22, 2021
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