Biden signs executive order aiming to prevent future cybersecurity disasters

President Biden Delivers Remarks On COVID-19 Response And Ongoing Vaccination Program
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday implementing new policies aimed to improve national cybersecurity. The executive order comes in the wake of a number of recent cybersecurity catastrophes, such as last week’s ransomware attack that took down the Colonial Pipeline, the Microsoft Exchange server vulnerabilities that may have affected north of 60,000 organizations, and the SolarWinds hack that compromised nine federal agencies late last year — each of which were specifically namedropped by the White House in a fact sheet accompanying the order.

The executive order outlines a number of initiatives, including reducing barriers to information sharing between the government and the private sector, mandating the...

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Biden signs executive order aiming to prevent future cybersecurity disasters Biden signs executive order aiming to prevent future cybersecurity disasters Reviewed by Benny on May 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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