Use an intelligent alarm clock app to help you to avoid running late

The world is mostly full of two types of people. Some seem to find it effortless to get up in the morning, have excellent timekeeping skills, and always get to places on time. On the other hand, some struggle to get out of bed and are the last ones to arrive at work, college, or anywhere else they should be. Many of us don’t even have a traditional alarm clock these days, but there’s an app for everything. Therefore, if you haven’t ever considered an alarm clock app, maybe this is the right time (excuse the pun)!
What is the best android alarm clock app?
A good alarm clock app can be a handy tool, but the stock Android alarm clock is a basic app. There are a ton of other smart alarm clock apps that offers extended features and functionality, such as a choice of sounds to wake up to, sleep logs, and much more. Take a look at our selection of the best alarm clock app for Android, and you can be more in control of your life and have a much calmer time in the mornings.
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

This hugely popular mobile clock app racks up a high 4.7-star rating on the Play Store. It’s the number one alarm clock app in many countries, and as well as emitting an alarm to wake you from sleep. The app offers something a little different as it endeavors to help you become more alert through the use of various modes and missions. For example, ‘Shake Mode’ that requires you to shake your handset to turn off the alarm or ‘Math Problem Mode’ where you need to use your brain and solve math puzzles.
There’s even a ‘Photo Mode’ which dubbed as “the world’s most annoying alarm” that need you to get out of bed and take a particular picture to turn it off. You can set the target location or thing to be at some distance from your bed, such as in the bathroom, so you’ll physically need to get moving. The easy-to-navigate app also features various themes, the ability to use custom music as an alarm tone, and includes a sleep history.
I Can’t Wake Up!
Price: Free with Ads

If the above name applies to you, you might want to check I Can’t Wake Up! Alarm Clock app. It has a fairly basic interface but has numerous configurations to take advantage of so that you can get it just as you like. For example, you can set multiple alarms, daily repeating and more, and choose snooze music or the smooth wake up mode with a dimmed screen and rising volume.
Moreover, there are 8 wakes up tasks, including math, memory, setting tiles in order, scanning a barcode of a product, repeating a click sequence, rewriting the text, matching word pairs, and an awake test which will start the alarm again if you fail it. This free version of the app includes ads, but there’s also a paid version without ads available.
Alarm Clock Xtreme
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

The free Alarm Clock Xtreme has an abundance list of features, including timer and stopwatch, but you can upgrade to the Pro edition for even more. The free version of the has auto-snooze, auto-dismiss, a built-in timer, nap alarm, music alarm, and random song alarm. You can even set a maximum amount of snoozes, crescendo for the alarm if you’d rather wake up gently, and more. As usual, it has many tricks like puzzles and other tasks to force you out of bed and get rid of the alarm. In addition, My day function is great for productivity as it works similar to a personal assistant app and shows the essential tasks and reminders of the along with weather information at the first alarm in the morning.
It’s somewhat heavy on the ads, but if you choose the Pro version, you can get rid of the ads and get additional features such as sleep tracking, a stopwatch, and more. It’s a go-to alarm clock app, and with more than 30 million users, it has to be worth checking out as one of our best alarm clock apps for Android.
Price: Free
Of all the alarm clock apps we’ve looked at, Timely is one of the top alarm apps for Android. It has an attractive and stylish design, with stunning color themes or design-tool to build a custom look. There are hand-crafted designer clocks to choose from, and a ‘Smart Rise’ feature that makes waking up much more pleasurable. Alarms can be very quickly set up by simply swiping from the edge of the display and dragging a bar to set the time, and once you lift the phone when the alarm sounds, the volume will be decreased.
A right touch with this app is cloud integration allowing you to backup and synchronize alarms across multiple devices, and further features include custom made ringtones, a widget, stopwatch and timer, integration with Google Now, animations, DashClock extension and much more.
Heavy Sleepers
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

If you’re a really heavy sleeper, this customizable alarm app could solve all your problems! It has been specially designed for deep sleepers but can still wake you up gently and gradually. There is also an option for a pre-alarm before the main one goes off, so you won’t have to get out of bed feeling like a bear with a sore head. It provides unlimited alarm profiles with recurring alarms, a countdown alarm, and one-off alarms for those odd occasions when you need them. When the alarm is activated, it can play your favorite song and give weather information, or you can opt for various challenges to make sure you don’t drop straight back off to sleep.
Heavy Sleepers also able to temporarily switch off the regular alarms based on specific locations. Another useful function is the calendar integration, which also synchronizes the national public holidays, so it will not wake you up on one of those days if you forget to turn the alarm off. It supports Android Wear, calendar integration, sleep stats, and can also take your sleep patterns into account and provide a bedtime notification. The free app features ads, but you can use in-app purchases to remove ads.
Download Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

This is a solid choice in our best alarm clock apps for Android selection, and it has a simple-looking interface based on Material Design. Similar to other alarm apps, you can enable different tasks to solve before the alarm stops, or you can turn the phone over if you want to snooze (perhaps not advisable)!
There are various themes available, as well as a customizable speaking clock that will also give you the current weather information. It’s a friendly app, but like many free apps, it has those pesky ads.
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

Sleepzy is a unique alarm clock app that also serves as an excellent Sleep Cycle Tracker. It was formerly known as Good Morning Alarm Clock. The app can track your sleep behavior using the surrounding noises. It then maintains a Sleep Diary and gives a detailed analysis of sleeping patterns. However, the sleep tracking works well for people who go bed alone as it might get an inaccurate result because of pet and your partner’s movement.
Another exciting option is the ability to record Snore to see what kind of sound you might be making during sleep. It also helps you to get to sleep with a choice of relaxing sounds. Besides, if getting up on the exact time is not very important to you, then it can help you sleep better and wake you up during the lightest sleep phase. You simply need to set an alarm target (a 30-minute window by default) and settle down with your smartphone on the bed. The app offers sleep analysis, information on weather conditions, and reminders of sleep goals, and there’s also a nightstand mode so that you can use your handset as a normal clock if you choose.
Early Bird Alarm Clock
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

Early Bird Alarm Clock is one of the core alarm clock app that can have an infinite number of alarms. It looks pretty simple but includes many themes, alarm challenges, weather, and more. It is a great choice for people who works in different shifts. Users can also choose various challenges to disable an alarm, such as combining QR codes, use voice recognition, or trace and write words.
The app can automatically change your alarm tone every day. Another neat feature is it says the time loudly when an alarm carry-outs.
Simple Alarm Clock
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP

The name of this app tells you exactly what it is, a simple alarm clock app for those who don’t want or need all the fancy bells and whistles. Its design is particularly suited for larger smartphones and tablets with big buttons to enter time rather than using a selector.
It also features one-touch enabling and disabling or alarms, 24-hour or AM/PM options, and the ability to select the sound of your alarm from your device’s songs, sounds, or ringtones. You can also set messages to show and remind you of things that need doing that day.
Price: Free with Ads/ Offers IAP
AlarmMon is a top-rated alarm app offering many different types of alarm choices. Users get the quiet alarm, video alarm, game alarm with cute animations and fun missions, character alarm, and idol band alarm, and the developers say that more celebrity and band alarms will be coming soon. You can record your alarm history to check out your sleeping habits, and also opt for news or weather broadcasts alarms to give you vital information at the start of your day. However, some of these features are only available with in-app purchases.
AlarmMon is a pretty fun app that has a range of characters and lot customization options. For instance, If you’re a light sleeper, you can use a quiet tone with a fun mini-game or if you are lazy to wake up, then chose a loud sound which ranges from animal noises to crazy screams.
This variety of best alarm clock apps for Android smartphones and tablets offers a choice to suit everyone. By using a mobile alarm app, you’ll never again have to worry about being late for work, or a necessary appointment or job interview. In addition to the stock alarm app, these clock apps provide all your timing needs and enhance features. They are free, beautifully designed, and functional.
Some have basic functionality, while others are more complex with additional features that are unique and somewhat different, but all will ensure you wake up in the morning so you can start your day. Do let us know which is your favorite of these apps by sending us a comment in the usual way.
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