Google employees demand better treatment for contract workers amid coronavirus crisis

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

A group of Google employees has sent a memo to company leadership demanding stronger commitments to protect the more vulnerable members of Google’s workforce, primarily its contract workers, during the ongoing coronavirus crisis, according to a report from Business Insider.

The memo is written by both full-time employees and contract workers, otherwise known as “TVC” employees for temporary, vendor or contractor. Google has a longstanding reputation for employing a massive number of contract workers it treats as second-class employees to cut costs and avoid having to foot the bill for the benefits it provides to full-time workers, including access to certain transportation and dining options and other benefits like stock options, paid...

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Google employees demand better treatment for contract workers amid coronavirus crisis Google employees demand better treatment for contract workers amid coronavirus crisis Reviewed by Benny on March 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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