Alphabet’s Tidal moonshot tracks individual fish to help sustainably feed humanity

Tidal fish tracking | Image: Tidal

Today Alphabet is announcing Tidal, an X division moonshot project with the goal of preserving the ocean’s ability to support life and help feed humanity sustainably. Tidal’s initial goal is to develop technologies that will give us a better understanding of what’s happening under water, with a focus on helping fish farmers to run and grow their operations in environmentally friendly ways.

”Humanity is pushing the ocean past its breaking point, but we can’t protect what we don’t understand,” writes Tidal General Manager Neil Davé in a blog post announcing the moonshot.

To achieve its early goal, Tidal has developed an underwater camera system coupled with computer vision and other AI techniques to track and monitor thousands of...

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Alphabet’s Tidal moonshot tracks individual fish to help sustainably feed humanity Alphabet’s Tidal moonshot tracks individual fish to help sustainably feed humanity Reviewed by Benny on March 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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