The artist putting tiny Kirby, waffles, and SpongeBob on your mechanical keyboard


One of the most appealing benefits of mechanical keyboards is their customizability, and artisan keycap maker Tiny is on a mission to bring some joy to the keyboard. Her custom keycaps, made from polymer clay and resin, range from designs like waffles drenched in syrup, Baby Yoda, and Kirby, mid-inhale. Whether it’s a lone burger-shaped keycap in place of the escape key or cute characters lining the row of F-keys, her keycaps exude charm and personality. She’s even made one featuring the titular goose from Untitled Goose Game, which works perfectly as a honk button.

Based in San Jose, Tiny first got into mechanical keyboards as a hobby, as she collected keycaps from other artists online. “It’s a very male-dominated hobby, and a lot of...

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The artist putting tiny Kirby, waffles, and SpongeBob on your mechanical keyboard The artist putting tiny Kirby, waffles, and SpongeBob on your mechanical keyboard Reviewed by Benny on January 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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