The software behind Facebook’s new Supreme Court for content moderation

Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

As we start looking forward to 2020 — and your predictions are coming to this space tomorrow — a big subject on my mind is accountability. Tech platforms have evolved into quasi-states with only the most rudimentary of justice systems. If trolls brigade Twitter into suspending your account, or you’re removed from YouTube’s monetization program, or your tasteful nudes are banned from Instagram, you typically have almost no recourse. In most cases you will fill out a short form, send it in, and pray. In a few days, you’ll hear back from a robot about the decision in your case — unless you don’t.

That’s why I’ve been so interested this year in Facebook’s development of what it calls an “oversight board” — a Supreme Court for content...

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The software behind Facebook’s new Supreme Court for content moderation The software behind Facebook’s new Supreme Court for content moderation Reviewed by Benny on December 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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