Xiaomi has announced the Mi 9 Pro 5G, a new variant of its generally very good Mi 9 with faster chips, connectivity, and charging. It’s based around a Snapdragon 855+ processor with 8 or 12GB of RAM, has what sounds like the same 6.4-inch 1080p OLED display but now with “professional” calibration, and of course a 5G modem that Xiaomi says offers full coverage for China’s three major carriers.
Xiaomi is one of the only Chinese phone makers that supports wireless charging at all, and the Mi 9 Pro 5G should be a leader in that area: it can be wirelessly charged at 30W on a dedicated stand, filling its 4,000mAh battery in 69 minutes. Wired charging is up to 40W and should give you a full charge after 48 minutes.
The Mi 9 Pro 5G also has 10W...
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Xiaomi announces Mi 9 Pro 5G with 30W fast wireless charging
Reviewed by Benny
September 24, 2019
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