This Clash of Clans animated short is a first step toward a bigger fantasy universe

Supercell’s mobile games, Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, are massive: together, the pair has been downloaded more than 3 billion times, according to the developer. Now, the Finnish studio is bringing them together with a new Clash animated short, a 12-minute piece called Lost & Crowned. It’s gorgeous and funny but also part of a broader strategy to make the overarching fantasy world something bigger and more enticing. “When it comes to storytelling, we feel it’s important to expand beyond what’s in the games,” says Christina Lee, who oversees story and franchise development at Supercell.

This isn’t technically the first animated short set in the Clash of Clans universe. That distinction goes to Clash-A-Rama, a YouTube series penned by...

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This Clash of Clans animated short is a first step toward a bigger fantasy universe This Clash of Clans animated short is a first step toward a bigger fantasy universe Reviewed by Benny on September 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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